our technical partners

We will partner with the following experienced companies on the project on risk management and technical support

Risk Engineers Botswana (REB)

Risk management experts

REB is a ‘one-stop-shop’ manned by a multi-disciplinary, skilled team of engineers and specialists with expertise in risk management. They provide support services in the realms of; enterprise-wide risk management, continuous risk improvement, annual and adhoc underwriting risk surveys, claims advisory services and asset valuations.

Loss Management Consultancy International

Loss Management Consultancy International (Pty) Ltd (LMCI)

Loss Adjusting and Risk Management Consultancy
Gaborone, Botswana

They provide amongst others the following technical support;- Risk Management, Risk Surveys, Valuations, Loss and Claims Management Consultancy. The Managing Director of LMCI is a qualified Engineer with vast experience in the field of Risk Management and Asset Valuations

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